Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutation

Practice Surya Namaskar/ Sun Salutation  daily for better health.

Suryanamaskar can do to your body what months of dieting cannot. And it can do to your mind what no spiritual discourse can.

If you have been doing Sun Salutation so far only to shed off those extra inches, here’s some food for thought. This wonderful gift of yoga, if practiced regularly, can work wonders for every part of the body – from head to toe! Yes, Sun Salutation (also known as Surya Namaskar) is a set of 12 yoga postures that helps improve overall health and well being.

True, the Sun Salutation sequence, if done at a fast pace can be a good way to lose weight and is an excellent cardiovascular workout as well – stretching and toning the muscles in the entire body. But that’s not all. This yoga sequence improves the circulation of blood throughout the body and helps in maintaining good health by ensuring a disease-free body. Daily practice of Surya Namaskar has numerous benefits to offer for the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system.

Following is picture of 12 steps for Surya Namaskar

Enjoy life and bringing joy, peace and happiness to life....

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