Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Second Affirmation of Life...

Second and most important affirmation of life...

Second affirmation is simple and easy to follow/repeat...


Just say I love .......Like I Love front of Mirror every day in morning.

However I am using this affirmation whenever I feel depressed. 

This affirmation is also helping me to reduced weight and it is aids to reduced my food. Now you will ask how this can be possible. let me answer....

Whenever I am eating be it normal lunch/dinner or special one which we can not avoid having extra. However while eating I say I love you Rajnihs, so I am eating less. How? 

I want to have balance diet and less weight, to maintain this I will not eat more, so this affirmation is an alarm to have less food and remind me of my goal for Health.

So, say I love you to yourself every day...

I am saying right now .i.e. I LOVE RAJNISH..

Enjoy life and bringing joy, piece and happiness to life....

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