Monday, February 4, 2013


Every time you read or listen to an affirmation, it becomes a stronger force in your life. Repeat your affirmations at least twice a day—morning and night. I find myself repeating my affirmations throughout the day, repeating them over and over. Soon you will have most of them memorized.

Are you affirmation positive or negative? We may not always be aware of it, but we all create and repeat affirmations constantly. The problem is, we typically don’t pay attention to exactly what those affirmations are saying. Often we go through the day giving ourselves all sorts of contradictory, or even negative messages. We may project confidence to the world around us, while our inner dialogue says… I hope this works. I am so nervous about this. I hope I don’t blow it.Affirmations are self fulfilling prophecies. If we say, This is never going to work… then chances are excellent it never will.

Get into the feelings, emotions and associations you have with affirmations. Feel so jazzed up about what you are saying that you feel like it is already there. When you are able to really get into that feeling place, this is when the new neural connections are created. It is essential to remember emotions, clarity and feelings are the key ingredients to creating effective affirmations that will produce results in your world.

Laminate your affirmations. Have your affirmations laminated. Make a couple of copies for home, work, your car and next to your bed.

Use technology to bombard your nonconscious brain with the declarations of the world you want to create. Technology has given us all sorts of wonderful tools we can use.

Audio:Play your affirmations while you are jogging or working out, cleaning house—anytime you would ordinarily listen to music.

Subliminal Audio and Video:You can play subliminal audio and video recordings to yourself throughout the day.

Subliminal Software:There is software available that will play your affirmations to you by flashing them almost invisibly on your computer screen.
When we have absolute clarity about what it is we wish to create, and repeat our affirmations daily, the Law of Attraction does its part with providing you with all you need to create what you want.

By : John Assaraf

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